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The Failure of Sex Education in the Church: Mistaken Identity, Compromised Purity by Linda Bartlett, Published in 2014 by Titus 2 for Life
Why do so many Christian women have abortions? Why do so many Christian parents assume their children will be sexually active? Why do so many Christian couples move in together before the wedding? Why does a pro-life, Christian mom have five children but is not married to any of those children's fathers? Why do girls from Christian colleges experiment with the lesbian lifestyle? Why are so many children sexually abused by a trusted Christian adult? The answer is the same for all of these questions. We have been deceived about our identity.
For some 50 years, Christians and non-Christians alike have been taught to believe that "children are sexual from birth." Nowhere in Scripture does God describe children this way. The phrase was coined by a secular humanist named Alfred Kinsey who believed infants and children can enjoy and benefit from early sexual activity. His social science was wrong, but his research was widely accepted, setting our nations, and even the Church, on a dangerous course. By accepting Kinsey's data and the expertise of other secular humanists, the Church has played a role in bestowing a mistaken identity, compromising purity for several generations, and ultimately putting human lives at risk.
A false identity has both temporal and eternal ramifications. For the sake of children and the future of the Church, we need to know the origin of sex education, then ask, "What fellowship has light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). Upon what foundation have we built? What is our understanding of who and Whose we are? Are we primarily sexual and temporal beings, or something far more?
God says we are far more! Baptized into Christ, God calls us by His holy name and adopts us as His own with the promise of imperishable inheritance (1 Peter 1:4, 16). What a difference this identity makes as we journey this life to our heavenly home!
Thirty years of speaking in schools and churches nationwide made it possible for Linda Bartlett to hear the stories and observe the evidence that motivated the writing of this book for parents, pastors, teachers, those struggling with sexual temptations, and everyone who is concerned about the sexualization of children.
250 pages
107 questions & answers for Christian dialogue
Over 230 footnotes with full bibliography
Endorsed by Rev. Todd Wilken, Issues, Etc.; Rev. Dr. Benjamin T.G. Mayes; Rev. Terry Forke, President MT District LCMS; Rev. Brian Saunders, President IA District East LCMS; Rev. Steven Cholak; Rev. Don Richman, East European Mission Network; and Rev. Stephen K. Preus. Forward by Rev. Paul L. Beisel, STM.
Included on the list of required reading for a class on "Christian Sexual Ethics" by Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Heimbach, Senior Professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
The author has presented the book's message in congregations across the country. Each presentation is followed by a panel of pastors who give defense of the book and dialogue with the audience and the author. Linda does this because she trusts God's order of creation. Men are called by God to remember the Word for life and lead away from death. Women are called to help and encourage. To date, 50 pastors have participated. In unique ways, this style of presentation illustrates the complementary differences of male and female as it mentors respect for biblical manhood and womanhood.
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Titus 2-4 Life
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A devotional booklet for single mothers.
(or Spanish)
No More Weeping
A devotional booklet for women who grieve their abortion choice.
After the Abortion There Is Hope in His Healing
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"It's a wonderful thing to be alive--to be God's child!"
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Bible Studies
Dressing for Life: Secrets of the Great Cover-up
(10-lesson Bible study for daughters, mothers, and grandmothers--lessons may be used separately or as a series for a "Girls Only" or Titus 2 weekend retreat) -- Available soon.
Men, Women & Relationships
(12-lesson study from the CPH Christian Life Today series)
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Women in Combat (4 part Bible Study)
Part 2: Are We Wise or Foolish?
Part 4: But What about Deborah?
Brochures, etc.
Dressing for Life: Secrets of the Great Cover-up (True or false questions with answers about God's design of clothing and gift of modesty for our protection in a broken and sinful world.) PDF download/reproducible
But What About My Daughter Who Was Sexually Assaulted? (Has her purity been stolen from her?) PDF download/reproducible
Why Not Just Live Together?
(or Spanish)
For millions of American women and their families, abortion is not a debate... it is a painful loss... of a son, daughter, or grandchild.
A Pregnant Woman Is Not Autonomous
and the Placenta Knows It!
The mother and pre-natal child are in relationship.