We've Been There

Women Respond to Titus 2-4 Life:
"I had years of abstinence education in my Christian school. It was just more talking about sex on top of all the rest of the sex talk from movies, magazines, and the internet. Now I'm in college wondering why I've never learned about my whole person--my body, mind and soul."
"I hear some people say that if we would just be more comfortable with our sexuality, things might be like they were in the Garden. But we're not in the Garden anymore. Thank you for explaining that God uses feelings of embarrassment or even shame for our protection in a fallen world."
"Before this retreat, no one had ever told me that being a wife, homemaker, and mom are vocations in life that influence society in profound ways."
"I was particularly blessed by our discussion of the wise and foolish women. Your resources draw me back into God's Word."
"Thank you for challenging me ... women can do almost anything, but the right question is: Should we?"
"You helped me understand my identity as a daughter and heir of God through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. What a contrast to the sexualized identity of the world."
"I never understood the strained relationship between my mother and me. Only recently, in my 60s, did I learn that my mother had planned to abort me."
"I came to the retreat because
I knew you were going to speak about biblical womanhood. If I'd known that abortion would be discussed, I would never have come. But when you shared the story of your friend who received hope and healing after her abortion, I heard words of welcome. That is why I asked to speak to you privately and confess my abortions. For too long I have felt separated from God by sins I thought were unforgiveable. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for His merciful love and forgiveness."
"I've always resented being called a 'helper' because it seemed demeaning... until this weekend."
"Most enlightening to me was the verse from Psalm 144 that encourages our daughters to be 'pillars.' Without them, how can the 'house' stand?"
"I appreciate what you had to say to single women and women without children--that we, too, make a home where relationships can be nurtured."
"I never realized I was in need of healing from the philosophies of godless people."
"Our young women need to hear that their behavior encourages godly men … I value the thoughtful way you used God's Word without lecturing."
"For most of my life, I've been told that being 'equal' means being 'the same.' This retreat stirred some anger, but God's Word has a way of comforting after deception is exposed."
Titus 2-4 Life published The Failure of Sex Education in the Church: Mistaken Identity, Compromised Purity after listening to women of all ages at T2 Retreats. Here's what some of those women had to say ~
Where in the World
Have We Been?
Lesterville, SD-retreat
St. Louis Sem - Healing Hearts
Lincoln, NE - Healing Hearts
Marshalltown, IA - HH
Conover, NC - retreat
Omaha, NE - LFL Conf.
DePere, MO - retreat
Okoboji, IA., clergy wives
Macomb, MI - retreat
Elk River, MN - retreat
LFL Life Center, IA
Mallard, IA - retreat
Waukesha, WI - retreat
Linda’s home - retreat
2005 -
Iowa Falls, IA - Lifestyle show
Whittemore, IA - retreat
Linda’s Home, LFL leaders
Lombard, IL - Lifestyle show
Waverly, IA - retreat
Emmetsburg, IA - retreat
Aurora, NE.,LWML retreat
Omaha, NE - retreat
Edmund, OK - Lifestyle show
East Troy, WI - retreat
West Bend, IA - Lifestyle show
2006 -
Apache Junction, AZ - MOPS
Tucson, AZ - teens/parents
Burr Ridge, IL - Lifestyle show
Fort Wayne, IN-retreat
Macomb, MI - retreat
Macomb, MI - Lifestyle show
Davenport, IA - Lifestyle show
Denison, IA - Lifestyle show
Mattoon, IL - Lifestyle Show
Chicago, IL - Lifestyle Show
Cedar Rapids, IA - train retreat
2007 -
Tucson, AZ - teens/parents
Grand Rapids, MI., school
Grand Rapids, MI - Lifestyle
Kalispell, MT - training retreat
Billings, MT - training retreat
Thermopolis, WY - retreat
Boone, IA - Lifestyle show
Hiawatha, IA - Lifestyle show
LFL National Conference
Belvidere, IL - Lifestyle Show
Zimmermann, MN - retreat
Concordia U, Mequon - retreat
Chaska, MN - retreat
Alexandria, VA., school
Warrenton, VA - retreat
Falls Church, VA
Arlington, VA. school
Humboldt, IA - retreat
Mallard, IA - retreat
Yankton, SD - Lifestyle Show
Norfolk, NE - Lifestyle Show
Iowa Falls, IA - Lifestyle Show
Waterloo, IA - Lifestyle Show
Glenwood, IA - Lifestyle Show
LFL “Alaska Cruise 4 Life
Great Falls, MT- clergy wives
Thermopolis, WY - retreat
Aurora, NE - clergy wives
Elmhurst, IL - retreat
Elmhurst, IL - Lifestyle show
Fort Wayne, IN - retreat
Bloomington, MN
Chaska, MN - retreat
National LFL Conference
Council Bluffs, IA
(retreat & Christ Academy) -
Linda’s home - T2 training
Fort Wayne, IN., sem wives
Cedar Rapids, IA
Norfolk, NE
Linda’s home
2011 -
Phoenix, AZ - MOPS
Linda's home - CPC volunteers
Wausau, WI - retreat
Dayton, IA - retreat
2012 -
Okoboji, IA. IA West LWML
Columbia, MO - retreat
Waterloo, IA
Thermopolis, WY - retreat
2013 -
Waverly, IA., LWML
Effingham, IL., Family Life Ctr.
(retreat & men's session) -
St. Louis, MO - retreat
LFL National Conference - Bk.
Norfolk, NE
(retreat & men's session) -
Waterloo, IA., 40 Days for Life
For God has not
called us
for impurity,
but in holiness
Therefore whoever
disregards this,
disregards not
man but God,
who gives his
Holy Spirit
to you.

Ida Grove, IA
(Book w/pastors' panel) -
Sioux Falls, SD (same)
Mitchell, SD (same)
Pierre, SD (same)
Rapid City, SD (same)
Hiawatha, IA (same)
Creston, IA (same)
Iowa Falls, IA (same)
Linda's home - retreat
2015 -
Billings, MT
(Book w/pastors' panel) -
Missoula, MT (same)
Kalispell, MT (same)
Norfolk, NE (same)
St. Louis, MO (same)
2016 -
Effingham, IL., book 2 pastors
Altamont, IL
(Book w/pastors' panel) -
Effingham, IL., Family Life Ctr.
Grand Rapids, MI
(Book w/pastors' panel) -
Saginaw, MI (same)
Macomb, MI (same)
Denver, CO
(Book w/pastors' panel) -
Cheyenne WY (same)
Casper, WY
Wyoming Pastors' Network
(Book w/pastors' panel)
Identity matters. Through our Baptism, we became children of God in Christ Jesus, called to live
as His sons and daughters. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to be
"a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the Master of the house, ready for every good work"
2 TIMOTHY 2:21